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Discovery Church helps people discover Jesus and their place in His story. The mission of Discovery Church is two-fold. First, our mission is to help people to discover Jesus. Many times, Christians will state that they want to help someone to find Jesus, as if he is somehow hidden or out-of-reach. Jesus is not hiding. In fact, he is actively pursuing the souls of lost people!  Central to our mission is to help people discover how Jesus is already at work in their lives, and then to discover His grace, forgiveness, and life.

Secondly, our desire is to help people to discover their place in God’s story. We believe that God is not done working in this world. While he does not need any of us, he does want all of us. God’s desire is not for us to simply be saved, but for us to participate in His story–His mission in the world. Therefore, we believe that our mission is to help people to discover how God has uniquely crafted them and what part he has intended for them to fulfill in his great story.