Dear Church Family,
As you know we are facing unprecedented times considering the effects of the pandemic. The number of new cases has increased in our area and each of us has been affected by or knows someone that has been affected by COVID-19.
The leadership of the church met this morning, and our desire is to continue worshipping in person on Sunday mornings, and at the same time be responsible for the health of those assembled. We feel that we must, not out of fear but in the best interests of all congregants, take steps to protect every person coming in our doors.
We are asking you to actively participate by doing these important things:
If you are experiencing a dry cough, sore throat, upset G.I., or have a fever, to stay home and worship with us online. We are still worshipping as one body - even if it is through the help of technology, so if you feel safer please stay home.
Maintain social distance - giving space between your family and other families in seats and avoid congregating in the lobby but rather meet outside.
Practice good hygiene, washing your hands and using hand sanitizer as appropriate.
And, especially, wear a mask while inside the building. Should you need a mask, they will be available as you enter the building.
By following these easy steps, we will be able to continue worshiping together as one body.
Sarah and I love this church and the people of this church. We pray for you often and look forward to getting through this difficult time together alongside of you.
In Him,
Matthew Korell
Lead Pastor, Discovery Church