Welcome to the Amazin’ Grace! Clues for each stop of the race will be found by scanning the QR code at each location your clues lead you to.

You’ll be given $3 in seed money that you will need at one stop in the race. The clue specifically mentions $3 so you’ll know when to use it.

When you arrive at a location, if you need to interact with staff members, be sure to identify yourself as a participant in the Amazin’ Grace. All locations know to expect you. Be kind. Be safe. Follow all highway and business rules. Be respectful. While you’re having an amazing time seeing God’s amazing beauty and enjoying this day because of His Grace, remember, you’re representing Him and Discovery Church today!

Once you are given the GO at least one member of your team must run to the middle of the bridge must you will start your adventure by scanning the QR code found mid-way on the swinging bridge!